In the first quarter of the year there were almost as many IPOs of venture-backed firms as in all of 2009 (see chart). At the end of March another 43 venture-funded businesses had registered with America’s Securities & Exchange Commission to go public. Encouraging stuff, though some fret that any hiccup in equity markets could scupper these plans.
In the US, while the tough fund-raising environment is forcing more and more VC firms to close down their activities, Steven Kaplan of the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business and Josh Lerner of Harvard Business School in a recent paper entitled “It Ain’t Broke: The Past, Present and Future of Venture Capital”, point out that VC funds raised when capital is scarce have outperformed those put together when VC firms were flush with cash. Looking at the increase in valuation, VC firms with money to invest, worry about how to get into deals while the rest worry about exiting from the investments already made before the markets tank again.